Registration for English language classes is currently closed.

Please check back in April 1st to register for classes starting in May.


        Scroll down to explore the possibilities at Metro South Adult Basic Education.

If you are interested in GED, College Preparation, or Adult Diploma classes, please call 952-681-6170 


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CLICK HERETo view the latest Metro South ABE newsletter!

Bloomington Public Schools Community Education Logo
Edina Public Schools Community Ed logo
Eden Prairie Schools Community Education logo
A group of students in graduation robes and caps
a group of students, some wearing the hijab or khimar stand in a stairwell with the Metro South Adult Basic Education logo on the wall behind them
A female student in a khimar studies in a classroom with other students
Students and a teacher. The sign behind them says "Citizenship."
A group of students and faculty outside, posing for a picture. Some wear the hijab or khimar
A group of students in graduation robes and caps
a group of students, some wearing the hijab or khimar stand in a stairwell with the Metro South Adult Basic Education logo on the wall behind them
A female student in a khimar studies in a classroom with other students
Students and a teacher. The sign behind them says "Citizenship."
Students around a table in a classroom, learning with a teacher
A group of students and faculty outside, posing for a picture. Some wear the hijab or khimar


English as a Second Language (ESL)


Metro South offers ESL classes at many different levels to adult learners from a variety of countries.

  • Classes located in Richfield, Edina, Bloomington, and Eden Prairie
  • Classes offered Monday – Saturday
  • Day or evening classes available
  • Class placement based on reading test
  • You can register for English classes using the interest form on our main page.

Adult High School Education

Adult Diploma

Metro South offers high school classes to adult students age 21 and older who wish to earn their high school diploma.

  • Upon completion, students receive a diploma from a Bloomington School District high school.

State Standard Adult Diploma

The State Standard Adult Diploma program is a new competency based option for high school completion instead of a traditional credit based diploma.

  • Upon completion of all coursework, students receive a high school diploma from the Minnesota Department of Education.

General Education Development (GED)

The GED tests measure knowledge of science, social studies, math, reading, and writing.

  • When all GED tests are passed, certification can be used in place of a high school diploma for applying to jobs and colleges.

Career and College Preparation

Career Pathways

Career Pathways classes help to prepare students for the workforce.

  • Classes are offered in a variety of in-demand career areas, like healthcare and transportation.
  • Students work on career planning with a career counselor.
  • Most classes lead to certifications, credentials, or school credits.

College Preparation

College Prep classes are for adult students who want to improve their reading, math, and writing skills before taking a college entrance exam or trade test.

  • Classes are offered during the day on weekdays and in the evening on Mondays & Wednesdays. 


We support adult learners through a network of caring volunteers dedicated to promoting literacy. As advocates of lifelong learning, we provide both students and volunteers with learning opportunities. Join us!

I have volunteered with Metro South for about ten years, most often in the Reading Lab one-on-one with students.  This year, I have led a Conversation Circle where I choose a topic and we discuss it.  I love working with these students who are so eager to learn and improve their English skills!  As a person who is interested in learning about other cultures, I have learned so much more from them than they have learned from me.

–Judi B.


Although I’ve spent most of my adult life as a newspaper reporter and fiction writer, tutoring has given me the opportunity to tangle with the intricate and mystifying machinery of our wonderful language in ways I never would have imagined.  It’s intoxicating.  I have my terrific students to thank for that.

–Norman D.

Follow the steps in the video below to translate the English classes interest form into another language.